
Communications Training

Turn Your Words into Wealth: The Premier Communications Training for Aspiring Industry Icons

Storytelling & Messaging

Voice Your Vision: Mastering Communication for Leaders Who Are Ready to Make Millions and Create Impact

Are you ready to turn your words into more than just sounds in a crowded room? Welcome to the ultimate communications training that does more than teach you to speak—it empowers you to communicate in a way that captivates, influences, and ignites change. We focus on the art of storytelling, the science of persuasive messaging, and getting super comfortable with public speaking. Why? Because in a world where everyone is vying for attention, your ability to persuasively communicate your vision can set you apart.

This isn't just about talking, it's about mastering a communication style so compelling, it becomes the cornerstone of your Million Dollar Body of Work®. 

Are you prepared to transform your voice into your ultimate tool for impact and financial growth?

Storytelling & Messaging: Learn how to craft a compelling narrative that not only captures attention but also drives action, making you a recognized authority in your field and resonating deeply with your audience.

Why Storytelling & Messaging?
* Establish Thought Leadership and Authority: As you step into the spotlight, your words need to do more than fill the room, they need to set the agenda. 
* Command Attention in High-Stakes Conversations: When you speak, it should not be to just make a point. It should be to make a lasting impression that resonates. Learn how to craft messages that not only persuade but also captivate your audience, especially in crucial moments.
* Amplify Impact and Secure Financial Growth: Your message should be one of your biggest strategic assets. By aligning your narrative with your vision and your goals, you're not just making an impact but you're also setting the stage for financial stability that aligns with your values.

Areas Influenced by Storytelling & Messaging
Marketing & Sales
Craft Messages that Convert: You're not just selling a service, you're selling a vision. Learn how to communicate your brand's value proposition in a way that not only builds relationships but also drives revenue. Elevate your sales leadership through communication strategies that resonate.

*Imagine launching a service where the narrative is so compelling, it practically sells itself. Learn how to craft marketing messages that not only reach your target audience but also resonate deeply, compelling them to act. Elevate your sales leadership by mastering the art of persuasive storytelling, transforming every sales pitch into a compelling narrative that not only explains but captivates, leading to higher conversion rates.

Crisis Communication
Navigate the Storm with Precision: When crisis hits, your message can make or break public trust. Master the art of crafting messages that manage perceptions, mitigate damage, and re-establish credibility.

*When a PR crisis strikes, your response is your reputation. Learn how to craft messages that not only restore public trust but also lay the groundwork for a resilient brand image. From developing a crisis communication plan filled with pre-crafted messages to using storytelling techniques that re-establish your brand's image post-crisis, we've got you covered.

Advocacy & Activism
Mobilize and Inspire: Your cause is urgent, and your message needs to be equally compelling. Learn how to craft narratives that mobilize supporters, influence policy, and create lasting change.

* Your cause deserves a voice that's as compelling as it is urgent. Learn how to craft narratives that not only mobilize grassroots support but also influence policy decisions at various levels of government. Go beyond mere messaging to inspire long-term commitment from supporters and volunteers, turning your advocacy into a million-dollar movement.

Public Speaking & Facilitation

Acquire the skills to not just speak but to lead conversations and workshops that inspire change and build strong advocacy for your vision.

Why Public Speaking & Facilitation?

Elevate Your Leadership Presence: When you take the stage or lead a meeting, you're doing more than sharing information; you're setting the emotional tone and intellectual pace. Master public speaking and facilitation to become the leader who doesn't just inform but transforms.

Inspire Action and Drive Change: Your words have the power to not just engage but to mobilize your audience. Learn the art of persuasive speaking and effective facilitation to turn passive listeners into active participants and advocates.

Build a High-Powered Brand: Your ability to communicate effectively in public settings is a direct reflection of your brand. By mastering public speaking and facilitation, you're not just enhancing your personal brand, you're amplifying the impact of your Million Dollar Body of Work®.

Areas Influenced by Public Speaking & Facilitation
Keynote Speeches
Command the Stage, Own the Room: When you step onto that stage, you're not just delivering a speech. You're delivering an experience. Master the art of keynote speaking that not only educates but electrifies, turning a room full of strangers into a room full of advocates.

* What if: you walk onto the stage, and the room falls silent in anticipation. Your opening line doesn't just capture attention, it captures hearts. Learn how to craft keynote speeches that not only inform but also deeply inspire.

Mastering Q&A: Command the Conversation
Your voice sets the agenda. Master the art of the Q&A session, turning every question into an opportunity to deepen your impact and extend your influence.

Imagine stepping into a Q&A session fully prepared, not just to answer questions but to elevate your entire message. You'll learn to anticipate questions before they're even asked, allowing you to craft responses that enrich your narrative. Master the art of the pivot, skillfully redirecting questions that don't align with your message back to the points you want to emphasize. Go beyond just answering questions to learning to read the room, adjusting your responses in real-time to resonate deeply with your audience. In this way, every question becomes an opportunity to deepen your impact and extend your influence.

Engaging & Credible Presentations
More Than Slides, It's a Sensory Experience: Learn how to create presentations that go beyond slides to inform, educate, entertain, and showcase your genius through a variety of sensory methods.

* Visualize a presentation that transcends the typical slide deck, becoming a multi-sensory experience that persuades, educates, and inspires. This is where your genius shines, compelling your audience to take action, making your presentations not just heard but deeply felt.

Panel Discussions
Elevate the Conversation, Shape the Narrative: Panel discussions are more than a conversation. They're an opportunity to influence and lead. Learn how to steer discussions in a way that highlights your expertise and brings value to your audience.

Can you envision yourself on a panel, effortlessly navigating complex topics while keeping the audience engaged? Learn the art of active listening, insightful questioning, and strategic interjections that not only make you a memorable panelist but also a thought leader in your field.

Team Meetings
Turn Routine into Impact: Make your team meetings more than just a check-in—turn them into sessions that inspire action and build a high-performing, culturally-aware team.

* Imagine leading a team meeting where every agenda item sparks meaningful discussion and drives your team closer to its goals. Learn how to conduct meetings that not only address immediate issues but also strengthen your team's focus and commitment.

Virtual Presentations
Beyond the Screen, Into Their Lives: In a world where virtual is the new normal, learn how to make your virtual presentations as impactful as in-person interactions.

*Visualize a virtual room where your presence is as commanding as it is in person. Learn how to utilize virtual platforms to their fullest potential, ensuring your message is not just seen but felt, even through a screen.

Media Training

Navigate interviews and control your narrative with precision, turning every media appearance into a strategic win for your brand and mission.

Why Media Training?

* Control Your Narrative: In today's digital age, your words can be twisted and taken out of context in an instant. Media training equips you with the skills to control your message and your brand's narrative, making every interview a strategic win.
* Navigate Crisis with Poise: When the unexpected happens, your ability to communicate clearly and calmly can make or break your brand. Learn how to craft messages that not only manage crisis but also restore faith and credibility.
* Maximize Outreach and Influence: Media appearances are more than just visibility. They're opportunities to expand your reach and solidify your authority. By mastering media training, you're setting the stage for a broader impact that aligns perfectly with your Million Dollar Body of Work®.

Areas Influenced by Media Training:
Own Your Narrative
In an era where every word can be scrutinized and amplified, your media presence has the power to create a very credible and powerful platform. Learn how to navigate interviews, control your narrative, and make every media appearance a strategic win.

Can you picture yourself in a high-stakes TV interview, not just prepared but poised to own the conversation? You'll learn how to control your narrative, ensuring that your key messages are not just heard but amplified. Master the art of non-verbal communication to project confidence and credibility, even when the questions get tough. Learn how to pivot gracefully from challenging questions to your core message, ensuring that every media appearance serves your larger goals. In this training, you don't just survive your media opportunities, you leverage them to elevate your brand and your mission.

Meet the Founder of the Ks'Adore Leadership Institute

I’m Keisha Shields, certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner, leadership and organizational consultant, founder of the Ks’Adoré Leadership Institute, developer of the Million Dollar Body of Work® framework for leaders, and the creator of the She Will Not Be Silenced® podcast.

I’m the executive and leadership adviser that execs, organizations and thought leaders turn to when they’re ready to fully own their stories, claim their voices and develop a signature framework that allows them to serve others while championing their companies and organizations to millions.

Best in Class Leadership Training for your Biggest Goals

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the Latest in Thought Leadership

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Good, Better, Best: Elevate Your Public Speaking & Facilitation Skills

In the realm where words become more than just sounds, where they morph into instruments of profound inspiration, stands the art of public speaking and facilitation. It's a domain where mastery isn't just a goal; it should be a relentless pursuit. 

Here are a few advanced strategies that can help you unlock your true potential as a speaker or facilitator; taking you from good to better or from better to best, and from impactful to unforgettable...

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Fix this one issue first

Venena vulput dolors portti lacusa tempor vertis semper lectus sagitt minim platea laoret ipsume evenie proina intege.

choose your image

Find joy in the little things

Lectus lacusa venena ipsume intege platea evenie vulput dolors semper tempor laoret portti minim proina vertis sagitt.

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We specialize in leadership and executive development. We can provide you with a quote via email, or we're happy to hop on a call with you.

Breaking systemic barriers!

I gave a very technical presentation to a group of high-level decision makers. I was freaking out but I used Keisha's tips and tricks. Immediately after my presentation, I was offered a seat in a prestigious guild that I've been trying to get on.

It is a huge barrier that I have crossed as I would be not only one of the first women but definitely the first Black woman on this guild, and this is all thanks to Keisha.

People were highly engaged and even after my speech they were coming up to me asking more questions and wanting to have individual 1:1s with me and it was super rewarding.  It was my 2-3 year goal to get to this point which I got to in 10 months. Thank you, Keisha!


Tech founder

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